our task was to

  1. think of an object we have with us all the time
  2. describe it, describe what it is, what is does and what it looks like
  3. record it as a soundtrack
  4. pair this with a video (without using the object)
  5. edit it all together


I chose a watch as my object, I wear it almost everyday so I thought it would be a really interesting thing to describe. This task allowed me to step back and think differently about objects. What their purpose is? how to describe them? for me I chose to not mention in my piece what the object was. I thought this added a bit more ambiguity to the works I created.

I decided to use one subject for my footage, I wanted to physically show my descriptions. So I used the subject as a metaphor (sort of) of a watch. She was meant to be a watch in a sense by representing the descriptions I used. I purposefully used a blanc, not visually extravagant background to make the subject stand out. Much like the watch on my skin.

I had a few struggles along the way, this was mostly due to editing in Premiere. However with a bit of assistance I was able to fix any issues that I had and learnt along the way. I trialled with colour grading a bit more and sequencing, modifying and assuming the frame rate in a sequence which was 25 fps. As I used some slow motion clips I had to adapt the frame rate to match the sequence. Nesting is also something I haven’t used before, so to stabilise certain clips I had to use the nesting tool in order to get the frame rate right first and then I could stabilise the clip to the sequence.

Also on another note, I found a really good creative commons site  called ben’s sound. It has really beautiful tracks that I thought work really well for short films or clips. Would definitely recommend anyone else checking it out if you need some music.

Here is my final piece for this first task.




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