blogging … why am I doing it

We kicked of this class by bringing up any questions we had about our blogs? what are we struggling with? what dying questions do we have that need to be answered?

For me personally I feel last year really helped me understand what the purpose of the blogs were but it was nice to gain more insight into how Adrian wants us to use the blogs in relation to this class.

what I got out of this discussion …

firstly our blogs can be very casual as casual about as casual as we see fit, if i wanted to document my dogs journey of toilet training I can do that. However the important thing I picked up from our discussion is that the best blogs are a combination of thins relative to class such as notes, thoughts, ideas and things that occur in my everyday life and this can include things in relation to media and things not.

Secondly i must be constantly aware of not breaking the law and by that I mean copyright, I must remember to source any images etc that i use to discuss and just be generally aware of what is legal and not in terms of others work. I need to realise this blog is public domain so despite the casual nature I must remember that family, friends and potential employees will read this.

In terms of what we should notice I think that my last studio ‘Translating Observation” really assisted me with understanding what it takes to notice. In general it is paying attention to the smaller things, being able to unpack relations just like we have been doing in class and for our projects.

We also decided as a whole that we would like maybe a weekly theme or question that can help stimulate ideas for us to blog about. I think this is a great idea, that way if I’m feeling a bit lost with what to discuss I have some sense of direction.

Another really important aspect i got out of it was the idea that we should have maybe 5 – 10 minutes after an important discussion or at the end of class to blog. I think this would be such a great idea. Not only is the idea fresh in our minds but it gives you time to sit down and just get out all the ideas you have without distraction. It would put less pressure on my other blogs as I know I’ve written down the important notes I have thats relevant to class. Meaning my other blogs will feel more natural because I am not forcing ideas and creativity.

In general my personal goal is to blog a bit more about the discussions we have in class and to include my thoughts and feelings towards it. I also want to blog more about things I do in my life thats relevant both to class and media. perhaps blogging about small movies I make or shoots, the troubles I have with premiere, what I learn etc. etc.


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