Observation #9


So there are train works currently going on my train line meaning we have to get bus replacements. Now I know I observe a lot during my journey to and from uni but it’s the time I have most to think, to be alone and to observe. First thing I observe is how selfish and impatient some people are. Everybody has somewhere to be whether that be uni or work. No one knew there were bus replacements today, so theoretically we’re all going to be late. It amuses me that in this incredible long line we’re all waiting in a woman literally goes steps out and speed walks down the side to the front so she can be the first on the bus. It amazes me that someone can quite honestly think of nothing but themselves. It’s irrelevant to me what she was wearing or what she looked like because I have no interest in knowing anymore about someone like that. Every person will get to where we need to be, buses will come for everyone, you will probably just be late. Is that an excuse to be rude and push through. Why is it so hard to wait your turn? Why is you getting to work more important than someone else? People don’t give space either they stand on your heels and edge forward on an angle so they may sneak in front of you. Well fantastic you did it your officially a whole 50 cm in front of me. There is nothing anyone can do so you may as well be respectful and wait. Whether this is an observation or a rant I’m not sure but I felt it was an important observation about human behaviour and how people hold such different values and priorities.


Perhaps this observation isn’t the best to translate into a film form but I could draw some ideas from it. I noticed that as people we all hold such differing values in life. This in itself can form an extension of difference, different mannerisms, different quirks, different looks. In all honesty I’m not sure where I would take this film.  I suppose in some ways you could perhaps make a slight comedy I envision something a bit like Mr Bean and perhaps inspired by Charlie Chaplin, a quirky, unusual and slightly awkward man who must wait in a line to get to some destination. As he waits he pokes his head out the side and tries to sneak down the line without people noticing. Perhaps he steals omens hat then sneaks in a little way down, maybe he starts commando crawling under people legs. Something quite ridiculous like setting a really loud noise on his phone and placing it on one side so he can run down a little further down the line. 




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