Mediums and Technologies

Mediums and Technologies

  1. Medium technology
  2. Technology and culture
  3. Communication revolutions

“medium theory is a special type of media stuff that focuses on such characteristic os each medium and on how each medium or each type of media physically, socially and psychologically distinct from other media” Murphy and Potts 2002.

Three metaphors Joshua Meyrowitz 1993 “Images of media” reading

  1. Media as conduit (textual analysis)
  2. Media as languages (affordances) e.g. television has it sown language and grammar that shares stories this is similar but slightly different from the language of cinema.
  3. Media as environments (medium analysis) e.g. the broadest one, leads us to ask what are the characteristics of why its different form other interaction.

Marshall Mccluhan

  • most influential/controversial medium theorist- internationally famous in the 1960’s
  • provocative phrases and axioms
  • lots of example of him talking available online

Understanding the philosophy of Marshall McLuhan


So we watched this video and allowed us to consider new forms of media which reorganise environment, when watching TV we may be aware of how relatable characters are within a certain show but we don’t actually step back to think about why were watching TV and what it means to be in that visual audio environment. Now with youtube we have different agencies such as the ability to scan through the video or watch on your phone in a smaller screen, we have awareness that every consumer is a potential producer, which is extremely important in the online video e.g. daily blogs is vital to to concept such as Zoella. Aware of the message and the unique environment it creates, all aspects of the media is important to investigate.

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