The main points we discussed within the ideas of copyright include
Protecting ideas – In a nutshell copyright protects material
Moral right – a part of the authors rights are that they have the right to attribution (must be recognised for their work), the right of integrity (so that they’re work and reputation is maintained), this applies to all copyright works
Duration of copyright – the general rule of copyright is that you can use a piece of work if its the life of the creator plus 70 years, this however does differ in different cultures and the way the content was published also effects the duration of copyright.
Exceptions – often include fair dealing, if its used for education, in libraries or archives, cultural institutions or museums
Fair Dealing – Basically this refers to the the exceptions of copyright, if copyright material is used for student research, criticism, review, news, parody, assignments etc. then using someone else’s work is generally okay is attribution is used.
creating your own work – is an original idea, substantially similar 10 or 13% rule and adaptation and modifications needs a licences and or contracted rights. Creative commons is an exception which allows use without copyright.
This copyright symbol is sourced from here