Things I notice on the train…

It’s the smallest things to look around you to become aware of your environment and the people around, yet we so rarely take notice. As i yet again sit on the same train in the same seat as I do every morning, I began to notice. I find it most interesting watching people step onto trains , their body language slightly stagnant, eyes pulsing around the room. I can almost see their mind ticking over like clockwork, questioning “where do you I sit?”. It’s peculiar one lady despite many many other free seats decides to climb over and and sit next to another lady, perhaps for the window, perhaps for comfort. Thing thing is we never actually know we can also assume. People sleep, read, and of course as technology is upon us there are countless people on there phones surprisingly today however there are more people without headphones in that there are people with them in. Everyone is looking down however, consumed by something and in some aspect oblivious to there surroundings. Which to be fair is exactly what I do, very rarely to I look out the window for the entire journey, likewise I just noticed that Ormond was on my train line, that was something I had never noticed because Im also busy on my phone, drawing or listening to music and closing my eyes. Something I truly love the most is when people are consumed in some form of media, whether that be a phone or a book and then they begin to smile or laugh out loud. Not only do other people around them smile but there such a care free nature about it that just sort of brightens up peoples day. So often we see people very expressionless on the train and seeing something laugh or smile is super refreshing and really kicks of the day in a good way. This is another thing as well, the effect media has on us, for a simple tool we use every day, multiple time and I think its interesting to not how it can change out emotions and effect our mood in our everyday life.


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