So after missing the previous week due to being sick, this week on offbeat I was floor manager, and I really loved it. It was polar opposite to being director but I really enjoyed the change. The main thing I learnt is that communication is the most important part! we had a whole lot of miscommunication between the Directors Assistant and myself. Sometimes I was given wrong countdowns which through our hosts off. At certain time they had to improvise and I had to find a way to communicate to them to keep going, by accident I used the hand sign for wrap it up. Despite a few little hiccups it was such a great experience. Setting up the cameras and such was pretty simple, we took direction from the director on how they wanted it and for the show we’re doing it didn’t really change that much throughout the show. Another thing I realised is how efficient you have to be when on live TV, the time during ads when you have to change the props etc. whilst at first seems like a long time actually goes ridiculously fast and we often end up going down to the last second.
After the show we had a group briefing and discussed a few things
- communication is important
- we need to work on our efficiency perhaps more people to assist
- Perhaps trial a whiteboard to communicate messages
- The hosts suggested that the Floor Manager stands opposite they’re direction (near a camera on either side) as opposed to the middle so its not so obvious that they’re looking at the Floor Manager.
Overall Im really enjoying this experience, Im learning new things every minute I’m there and I’m excited to continue doing the show and after this season I hope to expand a bit more and get involved in more production. From there well I hope that I just keep going up, we all have to start from somewhere. Im glad that I have found something I genuinely enjoy and it just reconfirms that this is the area i want to pursue as a career.