Media 1 Workshop 2:

So we started of the Workshop with a few discussions, the first being that we briefly spoke about our “Melbourne” photo and heard the rest of the class explain why they took there photo. Then we spent the net hour or so with the people around our table, sharing out creative self portrait giving feedback and receiving it.

For the rest of the class we spoke about this week’s reading “Blood in the Gutter” which was a comic that depicted

  1. Closure ( we commit “if” in comics, film, TV), the way we fill in the gaps and interpret our own meaning when two images or sequences art filled out for us, this can also link to viewer expectations
  2. Audience or reader involvement is required, use of imagination
  3. contract between the reader and writer (creator)
  4. Transitions
  • moment to moment
  • action to action
  • subject to subject
  • scene to scene
  • non sequetary

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When we were talking about reader involvement and we began to discuss how audience engagement and imagination is quite important. For a viewer to be fully engaged within a film and to really relate to the characters to picture what they are experiencing and feeling, the viewer must use their imagination. When watching sci fi films and horror films, we often use our imagination to pretend that they are real in order to create a more realistic and personal experience with the movie. For me personally watching horror movies is terrifying no matter how realistic because my imagination does just believe it but it enhances it to something much scarier. Likewise with sad movies such as “Bridge to Terebithia” if you don’t establish that connection to the characters and imagine that the story is real then it’s hard to impact you, as the viewer, to feel an emotional response.

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