It’s unique
An experience
They emerge
Like handfuls of stars
A single light which multiplies
Both inquisitive and interesting
Did you know that each species of fireflies has its own unique flashing pattern, it’s called “flash fingerprint”
Their numbers are decreasing… not everything last forever but in that snapshot of time they really illuminated the world around them
The following is an explanation of what I was trying to achieve with each media component in terms of communicating something about myself…
written: I wrote a small poem-like written piece that I wanted to be read as a metaphor for myself,
- fireflies are all different and unique they each go there own way
- The light I wanted to use as a representation of the way I maintain a constant optimism, I like to think that I see the brighter side to life, (glass half full sort of thing), much like their glow that lights up the darkness around them.
- I also wanted to pair the light with happiness, fun and laughter which I like to associate myself as.
- I think that although they are small they are really interesting and quirky insects
- The fact that they are decreasing is recognising that we as humans and I myself will not last forever and it is unknown how long we will be here for, but for the time that I am I want to make the most of it.
- I also think that fireflies are very beautiful, they remind me of the stars which is something I really love.
For audio I included a snapshots of being around some of my friends, they knew I was recording them and so they tried to tell a joke only for my friend to get it wrong. This is just a simple way of showing that for me my friends are an extremely important factor in my life, not only are they my support but they are the ones I have the most fun with.
Something that has suddenly become a very large part of my life, train travel, it is something I do for an hour and a half twice a day. Interestingly enough this part of the day has actually become quite enjoyable, it is a time I use to spend alone and think about my day, it is also a time that I use to observe other people. Every day something different happens and I really love the unexpectedness of the days, whether this means a delay of the train or meeting some really quirky people, my train journey has become quite an interesting and often unique part of my day.
I was around my friends house and unexpectedly my friends mum saw this video that she found hilarious, I quickly got my audio recorder out and recorded it. For me I think there is something really special about happiness and laughter. Every time I hear this it makes me laugh and smile, which is something I try to do everyday and for me this video really relates to who I am and what I’m all about.
#1 walking boots
- Represents my desire for adventure and excitement
- I love the whole idea of a challenge and overcoming hardship, These boots have been with me through many hikes and trails that I really struggled with.
#2 hand
- Symbolic of communication with other people
- Im using the hand to represent how for me helping others, being generous and kind is very important to me
#3 Journal/diary
- a very personal object that identifies as everything I think and feel
- a space for me to open up, reflect and discuss
- its something that I have been writing in since I was 11 so it includes the journey of my life and the changes I have encountered
- it is quite literally the story of my life
#4 101
- something simple but my house number, it is simply there to represent where I feel most safe and comfortable in my home, with my family. A space that is personal to me and where, for 10 years, I have grown.
#5 me in christmas jumper and beanie
- my absolute favourite time of the year
- I love the family, food and celebration that is paired with christmas, I love how exciting and festive everyone gets during this time of the year I love noticing how giving and happy everyone seems to be
#6 England
- my roots so to speak
- It is something that doesn’t define me but is defenetely something that has shaped who I am today
- A reminder of my friends and family back in England, and how they are a huge part of my life and the individual I am today.
1. I wanted to visually communicate what my 3 goals were in life. This was to share the 3 simple things that I strive for and alway think of, this is quite personal to who I am and what I want.
2. This video I have taken is off my local beach, this is a place that I come rather often to sit, swim, read, listen to music, hang out with friends or just contemplate life. For me the stillness ad serenity of this place is something that really makes me feel safe and at home, it’s somewhere I will always go if I need to relax or take a break.
3. This is a brief video of the camera‘s that have been collected over time and given to us, these camera’s hold quite a special meaning to them as they were given to me by my grandparents and were the cameras they used as children. As these are constantly showcased in my room it is also a daily reminder for me to go outside, take photos and capture a true sense of life, whether that be through people, objects or places it inspires me to go out and discover new things, and to perhaps see the world in a sightly different, complex yet ultimately beautiful way.
The criteria and considerations we had to take note of included:
1. media artefacts that explain that explore and recognise the relationship between medium and individual identity
2. media artefacts that are creative, different ways of presenting ones self
For me was fairly difficult to get going with this assignment, I found the brief extremely broad and this left me a little confused as to what I should capture. Eventually however I immediately got into it and tried to find new and different ways to communicate who I am. I think it’s a good way to understand how the different forms of media can communicate ideas, for example taking a video of something projects something completely different than trying to say the same message as a written statement, likewise with audio and photography. I think it will be interesting to see how other students have depicted themselves through these media forms. For me I wanted a very honest representation and I used a lot of symbols and representations of objects and things that are important to me to illustrate who I am as a person.