@lordsofeverything & @mteliza_boardriders feat @hamishheath // What is there to say about this guy, we all know who he is // Standing in the eye of the storm, Hamish the stupidly good for his age photographer is a typical Melbourne hipster who enjoys coffees with skim milk no sugar and the shades of brown and grey are what occupy his wardrobe // Born in Africa he has been known to shoot animals to get the perfect shot and setup lighting equipment for one photo for about 3 hours // Hamish is an essential member of the LOE team and we look forward to seeing him again after Africa…. bloody hipsters // And yes bitches, he does make it rain //#alordaday #inaflash via Instagram http://ift.tt/1s7x2ji No commentsAdd a comment
@lordsofeverything & @mteliza_boardriders feat the Vanderzeil brothers // The time has come for the Vanderzeil clan to depart the nest as one // Our destination is Chile, and what a journey it shall be // The film maker and the actor shall be putting together a master film just for you guys so get keen // White water rafting, horse riding, parashooting, it shall all be captured // Until then, stay key // #alordaday #inaflash via Instagram http://ift.tt/1zf7iSv No commentsAdd a comment
@lordsofeverything feat @lauraacollins // Enough of these guys, let’s get some hot babes in there // When Laura isn’t driving around in her low rider listening to hip hop or making rap videos she spends her time singing with her amazing voice or is turning water into wine // Livin in up in her fresh pad, she has been known to throw lollipops at strangers on the streets below and be knitting wooly Christmas jumpers on the high rise balcony // Solving the business and accounting problems of many, she accepts nothing less than perfect work standard and is a highly paid business employee herself // Gangstas like Laura definitely have lord like status // #alordaday #inaflash via Instagram http://ift.tt/1s6D2mK No commentsAdd a comment
@lordsofeverything feat @seanmbeaumont // Many have called him the Shakespeare of our generation but Sean’s acting career is now humbled by his new terminator leg acquired after tearing his ACL in footy // Ascending the ranks of Apple day by day Sean uses his wits and key knowledge of all things to acquire babes on Winkie beach and accommodation on the snow fields of Austria when he is helping out Mario // He also yells MYSTIQUEONLINE while eating calzones // #alordaday #inaflash via Instagram http://ift.tt/1s3bVsP No commentsAdd a comment
Best // anniversary // present // EVER! Cheers @thegabatron #wherearethedrugsgoing #harveydent #thegirlfriendineedbutnottheoneideserve via Instagram http://ift.tt/1yuYGXO No commentsAdd a comment
Missing my Gabatron already! See you in a month baby girl! @thegabatron #punching #loveisprettycool via Instagram http://ift.tt/1tWx07R No commentsAdd a comment
Polar by Rory_ http://ift.tt/1Aq2IzP Sample: Have you ever wondered – Graeme Edge Band via IFTTT No commentsAdd a comment
@lordsofeverything feat @cewhitey // Known as the toad of mosman, Chazo here has musical skills that reach far beyond his double digit IQ // From international girlfriends to writing blog articles that will change the world, Charlz has it all // If he ever got some exercise he could well be the ideal lord // #alordaday #inaflash via Instagram http://ift.tt/1ylw3NQ No commentsAdd a comment
@lordsofeverything feat @joeballesteros // Jose as you can see has the poses down pat due to his famous football career, known for the deadly corner kicks, Jose also dabbles in a variety of economic reform // Intelligence of a wise swap rat, looks of a Latina goddess and movie knowledge worthy of elite completion, Jose is definitely a keeper for his beautiful girlfriend Marcella and the keyest of lords ;) #inaflash #alordaday via Instagram http://ift.tt/1zlDWA6 No commentsAdd a comment