Last week I presented my presentation for my proposed world ” Kingdoms Unknown”. From my presentation I got good general vibes from how people seemed to be reacting to my ideas. I felt people really were intrigued at how I would be delivering a world through a video game platform and this also seemed to be reciprocated by the panel. I received very positive feedback on my world from the panel, they explained how they were excited for something different in terms of me creating a world for a video game, a game that will be playable for them which was the reaction I was hoping to get going into the presentation.
One of the most interesting pieces of feedback I got from the panel wasn’t so much criticism or words of advice, it was more the panel asking me more questions, wanting to know even more about the world and its overall history and structure and I wish I had more time so I could have explained more. This felt positive over all, the panel asking me questions about certain area’s, my landscapes such as the ruins which they said they wanted to know more about. Another one was the intrigue in the idea of the creatures that inhabit my world and how they play into my story or any of the game play.
Over all it was a great opportunity to back track and really look at my world and decide whether or not I am answering the questions people are already asking and whether or not I am showing off e.g.. The creatures or the history of the forests, enough? From my perspective I feel I am achieving this and I am developing all these ideas further as the weeks go on. I have even gone so far as to add more creatures into the story and more area’s to explore. I have found more art work that I can add to the slides which represent how I visually want my world to come across and can add to the feel and the back story of area’s such as the forest or the ruins.
Another thing that I found was a good piece of feedback was my ideas of inspiration for my world. One of the panelists said that my map and the basic plot layout of my world reminded them of the “WestWorld” the television series. This was very interesting because I hadn’t made the connection until she pointed it out. From that feedback I have gone back to watch the series again and can see the similarities and I found it a great way to see whether or not I could incorporate some of the elements the show does really well, and whether or not that can fit into what I am doing for my own world.
From that feedback and the idea of maps and layouts this got me thinking of a way I wanted to further showcase the world and present my players with something that gives them an over all sense of the area, the same way you feel it with a show like “WestWorld”. I decided to actually make a map to accompany my game. I felt this would work really well in furthering my world and addressing some of the interesting and positive feedback I got. In doing so I am giving a visual display and form of accompaniment that would lend itself well to the story. I feel it works really well with also how video games would also have maps for their players, giving not only a visual aid, but further giving that feeling of grandeur and scope.