This week Karl and I handed in our first piece of evidence as our non digital platform, part of our transmedia story “Classified”. This was the first offical jumping off point for our story and starts us off with the baseline and context for the beginning of whats to come over the next coming weeks.
Evidence Piece #1
Evidence piece number one, consist of a file delivered to our detective and protagonist of the story, they are investigating the case of the death of the First Leader of Scotland and receives a package from an anonymous source. This is a tangible package that the audience can interact with and have a look at the evidence. Inside we created the main article to step up the story, a front page headline discussing Scotland’s recent events, with the vote for independence and a second page article discussing the death of the First Leader. Along with this article there is also a map of London with a location and time marked out, accompanied by a letter detailing that intent of the anonymous individuals package. That and a series of numbers on the back of the file.
I believe Karl and I did a great job in setting up the first piece of our story and delivering on what we had intended for our first non digital platform. Next week we shall aim to give another package for our audience explaining the outcome of the detective’s investigation into the marked out location, as well as reveal our online blog as our digital platform for evidence number two.