Today in class Karl and I pitched our story for Classified. The presentation to our peers and our “clientele” who we where to sell the ideas and our transmedia story. I believe the overall vibe of our pitch was well received, our contents where clearly explained and the feedback was generally positive. Karl and mines investment into our story and our positivity to what we have is really special and exciting and I felt it was clear not only to us but by the constructive feedback that we received.
For our intentions, the stories aims and its so far developments, in terms of plot lines, storytelling platforms and our presented teaser and poster, we seemed to have developed the first stages of an audience hook. In the process of our presentation and the Q/A feedback, points of interested where developed and potential issued where raised that we both found quite helpful, such as; our story having real world elements being taking seriously in terms of our “conspiracy theories”. Making sure we have certain and clear disclaimers throughout our story for ethical sakes is something neither of us had thought of in the past and where happy to take on board as important feedback for furthering our work.
I also found that the topics of how we aim to present our real world element and tangible story platforms was interesting and furthered our ideas on how we wish to present items of interest and substance to the audience.