1. Story?

Let’s breakdown what a story is!

This week in Story Lab my first introduction into class had us looking into something that I once thought to be completely simple and go without explanation. What makes up a story? And more importantly, what is a story? From the conclusions we came to in class, a story can me broken down into many different sub- categories, basically have us pulling out the many simple layers that we believe to make up a story. Its becoming quite clear that even from us looking at the multitude of platforms that we can represent story with; such as film or television to even the original forms of storytelling, such as history and the notions of passing on historical records or legends is only the beginning. Addressing how a story is constructed and how we look at applying the different rules and guidelines into shaping our stories is something I personally think is very important. Having these past works that have vastly shaped storytelling today and shown us, what it takes to craft a story and what we can individually do to add to our own storytelling craft.

Linearity, motivation, protagonist, film, poem, novels; all of these are just our basic knowledge and understanding, at least they are for me. Coming into this class with that basic knowledge, to only realise I don’t really understand all its depths is very interesting and I really look forward to seeing how my understanding of what truely makes up a story will continue to expand over the next coming weeks.