Sound and Location

Part of today’s Film 3 studio was focused on recording audio. We were to choose a location and record a variety of sounds to evoke a sense of that place. We used the h4Zoom audio recorder. I partnered with Mitch and we choose the RMIT hub as our location to record. I think our location would be identifiable to a student listening due to our recording of the hub loudspeaker announcing ticket numbers. However if we put that recording aside we failed to clearly illustrate our place through sound. Our other subjects of recording were quite general and could of been a variety of places for instance the microwave, elevator,  payphone and person walking up the stars. The audio contained a lot of background noise due the hub being a busy place filled with people. If we lowered the gain and position the microphone closer to the desired subject the unwanted noise would be minimized. In saying that, the background noise of people talking and walking isn’t necessarily an unwanted sound as it does evoke the sense of the place. So to an extent we did evoke an audible sense of the hub although its limited as a listener would struggle to identify the site.