Sensor Size, Focal Length & Perspective

After speaking to Robin this afternoon I’ve decided to investigate how focal length will appear different on various cameras, due to the size of the sensor or film. I will compare perspective by using two cameras with very different sensor sizes. The Sony Z7 which has quite a small sensor and a Canon 5D which is a full framed DSLR. I plan on shooting the same scene with both cameras with the exact same framing, in which I’ll have to use different focal lengths to acheive. To acurately compare the shots I will have to ensure all settings except for focal length are the same such as the f.stop and color balance. Furthermore, the scene should have depth, by this I mean there should be objects/people in the foreground and background as so differences in perspective are noticable.

I think that the images from the smaller sensor camera will appear to have an increased depth of field as to have an equivalent field of view as the full frame camera it will need to have a shorter physical focal length. At the same f-stop this should corrospond to a smaller enterance pupil size and hence a deeper depth of field.

However, if I was to set the focal lengths on both cameras to same setting the smaller sensor camera would have a decreased depth of field and the fields of view would be very different. That’s why I wish to change the focal length in my experiment to get an equivalent field of view, which will make it easier to compare images.

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