So after going through everyone’s ‘strong’ points in the group, I’ve pretty much been assigned to make the video, which I’ve mentioned earlier. I started on it pretty apprehensively, mostly because it’s hard to have that kind of responsibility to make something that the rest of your group will like. We all decided on a song – ‘Piece of Me’ by Britney Spears, as the soundtrack. Mia and Bronte have started helping me source clips from all over YouTube and I’ve downloaded all of those, and started putting them into Premiere Pro. I have a 40 second introductory clip of Victoria Secret models and… well I don’t want to spoil it. But if you hadn’t already guessed, our project, themed Audience, is focusing on Beauty standards by Media and its impact on individuals consuming it. So you can imagine many of the clips sourced are relating to the beauty industry – fashion, make up, dieting, etc. With those clips I’ve also got professionals giving their opinions on the impact and giving statistics – all of which I’m cutting down and editing to what we need so that when I start putting it together, the process will be a lot smoother.

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