
I made some notes about Media institutions from the lecture. They are ‘enduring’, have regulated and structured activities, develop working practices, the employees and people associated are expected to share values and the public is aware of the status. The word Brian used to describe these ‘shared values’ was that media institutions are collectivists – that is to say, each individual must reflect the values of the group as a whole. When I was thinking of examples of this, I got to remembering a few times in which people have publically been racist or homophobic and ‘doxed’ to the point of being fired from their job.

This happened quite frequently as a result of the Black Lives Matter movement – from at least what I’d been seeing on social media and news outlets (though news tended to favour white perspectives). I saw a few incredibly racist people being tracked down via the web for comments on their Twitters and Facebook’s that resulted in companies cut affiliations with them as they do not reflect the values of the firm. I think that’s a perfect example of ‘collectivist’ media institutions – or at least, the good side. The other example I can think of is when singers or bands cancel shows/performances in regions as a result of the place’s not LGBT+ friendly laws or regulations as a sort of protest.

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