Workshop Survival Guide

I’ve been a little slow with updating my blog this past week, but we all have a lazy week here and there! I’m back on track now though. Last Thursday we had a workshop as per usual. I thought I was running late, after having a near fainting experience the morning before, I was a little nervous on the train over. But I seemed to get there 10 minutes early, and the class was virtually empty.

We had a discussion about Project 3, which was very helpful. I got to hear other peoples ideas and who they were planning to interview, and I got to jot down some notes for my own piece. I tried to be silent, same as I will here, because I don’t really want to give much away before I’ve even started. But I am going to interview my dad, whose an artist!

Seth made a really good point about collecting ‘atmos’ (atmosphere) recordings for this project too, which I would never have thought of. Audio has never been my strong point, so it’ll be interesting trying to figure out the mic and stuff – especially since we have to borrow equipment from the uni.

Toward the end of the class we were told to get into groups of three to do a little recording task. Unfortunately one of my friends was sick, which meant myself and my other friend had to stay in a pair while some people were in 4’s. That made it a little difficult for us to complete the task, but we tried our best. We were given a camera and mic and asked to create a simple ‘how to survive the first 6 weeks of uni’ guide. Both of us were awkward and unhappy to be in front of the camera, which I think is funny – considering we’re all trying to get into the media industry. We are big fans of being BEHIND the camera…

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