PB4 – audio recording

So today me and my group caught up again to get some work done. This time was much more hands on and very productive. Instead of the past group meetings which was mostly brainstorming and assigning work for everyone before we’d go off and do our own bit, we did a collaborative work. We basically met up and I showed the girls what I’ve done so far for the video, which is just under 2 minutes in length so far. They seemed to really like it, which was a relief, because before hand I had no idea whether it was something everyone would agree with!

We then decided to start recording our Audio essay! Bronte had prepared a sort of introductory script for us to follow and we’d all written short paragraphs about our own perception of body image thanks to the media. We hired a mic and got a key to one of the editing suites downstairs, which was really cool because apart from orientation I hadn’t step foot down there.

The process was fairly simple. We each had a turn of reading out the introduction (there was a bit of swearing on my part due to my tripping over my own tongue) and then reading out our individual experiences. That process was a bit harder just because we were reading from something pre-planned but trying to do it as conversationally as possible so that it felt organic.

By the end of it we had over half on hour of audio recording material which Bronte now has and will edit down to make our essay!

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