Survival Guide

Guess whose trying to desperately catch up on work she’s behind in because she got sick for 3 days in a row!?!?! Yep! It’s me!!! A few weeks back we were given the exercise in the workshop to interview each other and create a clip that was a ‘survival guide to your first six weeks of University’. So much time was spent trying to figure out the mics and the camera (Song MC50 video camera, which I’ve never seen or used in my life) that by the time it came to actually filming, we were very short on time. Not only that, but we (myself and Samantha) were short 1 team member – who was away sick. We needed to have a bunch of different shots; things like establishing, action shot, cutaways, etc. We tried our best, but with limited time and only the 2 of us (while other groups had up to 4 members) it was a struggle! Other difficulties were finding a place that was quiet enough to film. Lots of people kept walking past us during shooting – not only were we shy about talking in front of the camera when others could see, but it was just plain disruptive for everyone involved. We did achieve a good shot for the interview itself – a plain white wall that was well lit and easy to colour correct in post-production.

Anyway, without further ado…


How To Survive The First 6 Weeks of University from Lucy Wadelton on Vimeo.

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