Ignoring Media

I went into the city today to borrow the mic from tech to do my interview (yes, I am aware I’m very behind and I am very STRESSED about it). Again I caught myself noticing media around me, mostly because I don’t usually come in on Friday’s and so there wasn’t anyone to talk to, to and from campus. In the Melbourne Central underground there’s these huge Plasma TV type things along the wall of the train tracks and they kept playing different ads while I waited for my train home. It was so distracting, but I found it funny that the sound was muted every time an announcement was made, only to be put back on straight after. As if anyone’s actually listening – or watching for that matter! That’s how I feel about a lot of the media (advertising kind) that is up around the city. Everyone’s too busy going places and doing errands to notice that some corporation has paid $$ to have their billboard hand painted along a building wall (although I notice that every time, there’s a new painted movie poster every few weeks, it’s insane!)

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