Is there a right or wrong way to interpret media?

The reading written by Alan McKee, along with the latest Lectorial, was one big year 12 throwback. Even though I’ve been finding it pretty hard to read the texts online rather than having a physical copy, I managed with McKee’s work because it wasn’t totally new information for me. He basically was talking about how we analyse the texts that we read and make bias interpretations of them based on our own experiences and past. This also goes along with the notion that no two people will interpret a text the same – and that there truly is no right or wrong way to do so either.

We did study this sort of thinking in year 12 with the media influence theories – things like semiotic constructivist theory, the bullet theory and so on – any other year 12 Media students know what I’m talking about I’m sure. These theories also suggested ways in which people are influenced, from mass media to family and friends. In a way, this is what McKee is talking about – that our own belief systems and morals will help us decide whether we think a text is accurate and if it represents our perception of reality.

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