Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in high school anymore

To cut a long story short, University is very different to High School. For starters, blog posts are considered assessable, which is interesting. When I first read that we had to make regular posts on the internet about our feelings and what we were studying, I was a little skeptical. I’ve blogged in the past (let’s not talk about the 2010 Lucy on blogspot with a blog entitled ‘Sunny’s Photographic Life’ – who even is Sunny? A question I’ll never get the answer to…) but never with this kind of importance.

I guess I still blog here and there, in a way, social media is a form of that now. I use Twitter and Facebook and even Instagram as a form of expressing my thoughts, but this is still a challenge. Those posts are limited with a word count of 150 (on Twitter anyway) and no one likes to read a paragraph long Instagram comment. I learnt, like most other people my age, how to express my thoughts quick and to the point. This is a different take, a more traditional one and I’d like to see where it goes.

I used to write regular diary entries too – and someone at Uni told me that that’s the essence of blogging really. So I figure I’d start here, telling you a little about myself before I get stuck into talking about Media or Cinema Studies or anything else intellectually driven. So… Hi! I’m Lucy, I’m 18 years old and I, like everyone else here, have a love for film making. My passion is story telling – whether that be writing (scripts or otherwise) or visualising them in cinematic form. And I watch far too many TV Shows and movies, which is probably why I picked the studies that I did. I have a cat called Violet and you’d probably find out soon or later that I really really love all cats. I live in Northcote, so getting to RMIT campus is about a 20 minute train ride – lucky considering some people have come from across Australia to study here. I will be posting on here regularly, obviously, it’s school work… so I’ll see you around, I guess.

P.S. I hope all you Cinema Studies students appreciate the pun in my title. I thought it was very witty.

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