
The extract from George Landow’s ‘Hypertext 3.0’ was very long. Luckily, it was straightforward and contained useful information regarding blogging. Landow notes that blogging hasn’t created a new style of writing. It is the same style that has been used in diaries and journals for centuries, it is just the medium within which this writing occurs that has changed. He says that blogging encourages hypertextuality and allows “the active reader-author envisaged by Nelson.” More so than ever, the reader is an active participant. They choose what to read and when, and can leave comments or post links regarding what they have read. Landow writes that hypertext “moves the boundary of power away from the author in the direction of the reader.” This statement makes me a bit uneasy. It is true that allowing readers to leave feedback and comments on your blog, places them in a position of power. As much as I like the idea of receiving feedback, I only really want positive feedback. I suppose I could settle for constructive criticism but receiving ‘hate’ can come along with this. Once you allow comments or participation, you are opening yourself up to the unknown and have therefore lost some power. Correctly, Landow states that the web is an “antihierarchical medium of information.”

For the full extract follow this link:

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