Things I need to do by the end of the semester to reach my desired result:
- Write up various synopsis’ on the different themes and forms of media I am going to create (At least 10 different themes)
- Narrow down the synopsis and allocate levels of importance to the different media outcomes that you wish to create. (A least 3 different themes)
- Gather information about relevant readings that could help you understand the list of themes that you have chosen.
- Use these readings to expand on the different themes you have chosen to create a set of guidelines and criteria that will form that basis of your video.
- This set of criteria will become the backbone of the project. The research accumulated from the readings will be used in a practical way by incorporating different elements of the readings into the final video work.
- Sit down and think about the various things you need to create the film, and then brainstorm on the various things you would like to include in the piece.
- Gather all materials required for shooting. Gear, people, places, items.
- Once I have completed the shooting, assemble the footage in a way that looks closely at the specific readings you have found in relation to themes you have made a film on.
- The editing process could take a long time, so make sure you have reasonable time selected for the end of the task.
- This assessment requires a written component, which should be easy given the allocated time to readings in the first place.
- After writing down the different written components of the task, this process should be complete!
- Re-read, simplify, expand and create!