This Week

This week I aimed to write down my distractions as they came up throughout the week. To a large extent, I succeeded with this, however, in terms of implementing the time found from freeing up these distractions, I have been a bit stuck at this. Each day I began to write down the things that started to distract me from a task. Every time I did this I was able to put aside these distractions for later instead of focusing on them right then and there. This really helped me maintain focus during tasks where my mind was easily distracted. I found it much easier to study for a longer period of time, especially when trying to tackle a large reading when I noted down things that were not conducive to my learning at that moment. I gained a lot of new time from this exercise, freeing my study space up as I began to focus on the tasks that I needed to get done. However, because this is a new skill, I struggle to ignore every distraction that comes up, leading me into further procrastination and bringing me back down to step 1. Over the next week, I am going to continue this exercise of noting and aim to work on my patience with each exercise that I have to achieve. I believe that if I am fully involved with the task that I am trying to complete I will be able to enhance my study. This enhanced study will hopefully allow me to produce better work and move on to more projects faster because of my efficiency

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