Term from sociology
- Concern with organising structures of society
- Social, cultural, political, economic reasons
- Principles, values, rules that underly these
Marriage as a social institution
- Expectations, values (monogamy)
- Legal frame work/regulatory
- Institutional frames
- Rituals (Symbolic)
- Widely accepted practise
- Culture ‘rules’
- Values (Monogamy)
- Commercial industry
- Community/social recognition
Media institutions
- The news
- Journalsim
- News corp
- Cinema
- Broadcast television
- Community radio
- Public service broadcasting
- Are enduring
- Regulate and structure activities
- Are collectivist
- Develop working practises
- Employees and people associated are expected to share vales
- Public is aware of status
Brainstorm:Institutional characteristics of the following
- Newscorp.
- Core values
- Relationship to audience
- What is their status
- How are their activities professionalised
- How are they more than business
- What forms of regulations constrain their activities
- In what sense are they conduits for flows of power
- What other institutions are they related to? Engaged/aligned with?
To understand the complexity of our world today it is important to recognise the various institutions that influence our life. Looking at institutions allows us to see the social constructions that make up particular events in our life such as the ritual of marriage. When we break down the complexities of these institutions we can see the relationship that they have with an audience in terms of projecting different ideas. Analysing institutions enables us to understand how our society is structured and the various social constructs that make up our life.