Everyday Media

An everyday blog about media by everyday blogger Louise Alice Wilson.

Tag: Blogging

It’s The Final Countdown

It’s the final countdown and it’s also my final reflection.

Take Me Home

My first ever blog post, entitled ‘Take Me Home’ reads: “Media is the home for our practise and theory, a place of experimentation, individual customisation and inherent filtration and workshopping of all that is presented to us.” However on reflection, at this latter stage in the course, I’ve learnt that this home does ‘exist’ but only for those that seek it. Throughout this semester I’ve been challenged to appreciate and grab at the opportunities presented to me throughout this course. Seeing this original statement reinvigorates that drive, to be all that one can, and to learn and engage from everything that is presented to me and I hope to take that drive into second semester.

Don’t Follow Your Passion

‘Don’t Follow Your Passion’ for me is a record of my lightbulb moment achieved after reading Cal Newport’s statement: “If you wan’t to love what you do, do what Steve Jobs did and not what he said”. That statement as well as Cal’s various articles killed the little anxiety bug in my head that constantly attacked my creative process often asking questions like: “why are you doing that”, “your not that good at this”, “but would you really be happy being an video artist?”. I realised that it was that anxiety, rather than my ‘inner self’ that was killing any chance I had at finding or enjoying something I love to do, which revolutionised my thinking.

Blood In The Gutter

I still stand by this statement: “Scott McCloud’s ‘Blood in the Gutter’ is a great comic and probably one of the best descriptors of editing that i’ve ever read.” The concepts I learnt here: closure, gaps and transitions have since completely changed the way I think about media. Being quite a visual learner, Blood in the Gutter was a major impact on my understanding of how we as media viewers interpret and subtly change the narratives we view, purely based on our individual creativity and preferences. As well as how the manipulation of each concept can completely change one’s own interpretation and engagement with events.

My Lo-fi Self

This post for me represented that first hurdle I had to face, that question of revealing yourself to the world through your creative endeavours. It was a challenge to sit down and show other people what i’d done, to reveal myself and to explain myself to others but it was ultimately rewarding. It also permanently switched me from ‘half creatively engaged with the world’ to full blown ‘see’s every view as a potential film shot, motif or angle’. I remember that moment when I sat on the tram, looking at the world, wondering what aspects of it I could frame, use, or take inspiration from for my project, and I love that I’ve permanently maintained that ability.

Be A Media Maker

The whole idea of Media Studies 2.0 in general as presented by Brian Morris, as well as by David Gauntlett and William Merrin was a mind-blowing lightbulb moment for me. Having only learnt about media in regards of the old broadcast model I’d never thought about the aspects of current media that were actually more influential to me than any ‘archetypal’ text. Since reading Gauntlett’s blog i’ve thoroughly adapted my understanding of media, i’ve also felt a greater sense of creative importance regarding the media I make. And I also pay more attention to what is often truly influencing me, such as my peers, artwork on tumblr and instagram constructed narratives & visuals.

Premiere Pro Is A…

Premiere Pro was one of the first tech related challenges I had to face, when I first viewed the program it seemed impossible to understand and use, and I even struggled with sequencing. However I can now navigate the program quite easily and understand the basics of editing, I do have a long way to go, but I now see that as being obtainable considering my progress so far.

Everyday Me

Everyday me was a struggle. Coming up with a creative idea, planning it, attempting to execute it, editing it, re-editing it, that was my first taste of the video making process and it really taught me a lot. It’s also one of the first creative things I am proud of, I showed this video at Melbourne Filmonik, which was cool getting to hear audience feedback, everyone actually really loved it, which was a surprise to me..haha.

A Tutor A Day

Having guidance from tutors, for me has been invaluable. I’ve learnt a lot from mine, and I also feel that your tutors enable you to make your creative ideas into a reality. You tell them your jumbled thoughts and they decode it into something legible, something structured. Slowly I am learning to do this for myself, to follow their guidance, to sit down, to plan it out, to think about what’s most important, maybe I will master it one day.

Sound on Sound

I have still have 75gigs of hard drive space taken up with this project. This project was amazing and so extremely difficult. I spent along time thinking about my idea, planning what shots I needed, planning my interview questions, writing up a minute by minute script, searching for hours through archival footage and then putting the whole project together. It taught me so much about each one of those processes and by doing it all myself I learnt invaluable skills, that I hope to utilise throughout the rest of the course.

Catch you later,

Louise Alice Wilson

Blog Affordances Afford…

What are the affordances of blogging? Or in other words, what are the specific and unique attributes of blogs? This was the key question brought up at this weeks lecture by Rachel Wilson, and it’s an extremely important question given that the answer contains what motivated the course to encourage blogging in the first place. Before we look at the affordances of blogs, let’s first look at common features of blogs and how these features add to the overall abilities and impacts of blogging.

Common features of blogs:

  • Blog name: personalisation, communication of potential topics and overall vibe.
  • Blog roll: links to outside blogs, creates community connections and directs viewers to specific spaces.
  • Post heading: personalisation, communication of potential topic and vibe.
  • Categories: organisation of ideas, defines key topic areas.
  • Date & time stamp: lends itself to connection between producer and viewer.
  • Archived by date: lends itself to documenting process and progress.
  • Ordered reverse chronologically: up-to-the-minute info, encourages viewers to check the blog regularly.

Affordances of Blogs:

  • Comments & Interlinking: encourages relationships between content producers and content viewers, allows for sharing of information and expansion or diversion of topics.
  • Networking & Connection: a space for peer support, learning & interactivity.
  • Range of voices: professional, personal, informal, scholarly. Promotes personalisation and freedom of expression.
  • Up-to-the-minute info: lends itself to exploring daily topics, current ideas and new inspirations. Encourages faster and greater engagement between producer and viewer.
  • Brief posts: encourages higher post rate and greater engagement with each post.
  • Content Control & Freedom: posts can be as silly and specific or as broad and meaningful as the poster desires. Encourages exploration of non-typical topics, extraordinary ideas and alternative thought.
  • Document progress: record of achievement, literal time capsule of ideas, tastes, thoughts, inspirations and work.
  • Multiliteracy development: complexity of the medium, lends itself to complexity of understanding and engagement.
  • Embedding: link ideas, inspirations, references influences through various mediums such as  images, texts, sounds, videos etc. Encourages audience engagement, greater audience understanding and adds vibrancy and personality to a post.
  • Accessibility: Accessable to anyone with an internet connection, boosts potential impact and overall versatility.

Keeping the affordances of blogs in mind, will ultimately lead to better blogging, as the affordances of blogs are what make blogging dynamic and impactful.

Catch you later, Louise Alice Wilson

It’s Ablog Time

It’s ablogout time. Get it?

I thought it was funny.

Anyways. So the time has come for us to fully sink our teeth into this whole blogging thing. As you can see I’ve set up my blog, I’ve done a few posts, but whats missing? You guessed it, customisation. So as part of the week one workshop I set about customising this baby with a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, otherwise known as a blog audit form.

I mastered the ‘simple things’, like logging in, checking url’s and posting entries  pretty quickly. ‘Defaults’ was also super simple, like changing time zones and resetting the password. The challenge began at ‘writing outwards’ and ‘beginning to weave’, when I was asked to create blog roll links or embed videos and photos, though this was overcome relatively quickly through a bit of tinkering around. Making it mine was when the fun began, adjusting templates, modifying colours and texts and inserting a background photo.

I went pretty clean and minimal, black boxes, white text, blurred but slightly colourful background with adequate negative space, simplistic catchy title and a white backing screen. Having a clean palette, I feel, allows you to be a bit more wacko when you want to be, and I like being wacko, so I’m going with that.

Catch you later, Louise Alice Wilson

What Is Blog?

With all this talk of starting a course blog, i’m beginning to ask myself a few questions: “How much do I actually know about blogging?”, “How many blogs do I actually read?”, “Whats the best way to blog?” and the answer to all these questions is:

  1. A little

Blogs are regularly updated web pages, that are written in an informal way, often relating to a specific topic area, such as politics, art or fashion. They often focus on current, new or up-to-the-minute information as people regularly check blogs for new interesting information and inspiration.

2. A few

Tumblr – A lot of various tumblr blogs.

We And The Color – http://weandthecolor.com/

Bitch Media – https://bitchmedia.org

īGNANT – http://www.ignant.de

The Fox is Black – http://thefoxisblack.com

Empty Kingdom – http://www.emptykingdom.com

Oyster – http://www.oystermag.com

Synaptic Stimuli – http://synapticstimuli.com

The Jealous Curator – http://www.thejealouscurator.com/blog/

Nowness – https://www.nowness.com

3. I’m not exactly sure

A lot of the blogs I visit are art blogs, that focus highly on visual imagery or videos and have very little text, or the text is often purely explaining or giving a bio of the piece. My own art blog is much the same, so text in the blogging game is a new medium for me. However, after reading through a few text heavy blogs, it seems that they all have things in common, they are all:

  • Attention grabbing & retaining
  • Entertaining
  • Written colloquially
  • Focus on new, relevant topics
  • Have interesting visually imagery
  • Simple in writing style
  • Speak directly to the reader
  • Have valuable original content
  • Often written from the writers POV
  • Often reference the writers personal life & personal opinions
  • Often tell a story/flow and summarise at the end
  • Overall try to make the reader happy, engaged & more informed

Hopefully by the end of this first semester I will have mastered the art of blogging, but I think for now focussing on these dot points should keep me in good stead.

Catch you later, Louise Alice Wilson

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