Everyday Media

An everyday blog about media by everyday blogger Louise Alice Wilson.

Tag: Art Blog

Why I Became An Art Blogger

It’s always interesting to read back on why people do things, especially people who end up making a career or a fortune out of the seemingly benign choices they make. Thelma Schoonmaker, the film editor whom my previous post was about was one of those people; she got into editing after seeing an ad in the New York Times. I’m in no way suggesting I’m going to make a fortune, nor that I’m a Thelma Schoonmaker in the making, but I certainly do make a lot of benign choices.

Art blogging, for me, was one of those benign choices. I made the decision to start an art blog very randomly, so randomly I’m not even sure where the idea came from. At the time I had been studying a bachelor of psychology for about two years and found myself interested in the subject, but underwhelmed with the lack of creative ideas and media I was being exposed to.

I’d always been interested in art and most creative mediums, often recording music or taking photographs on the side. But the pages and pages of white and black scientific journal articles must have got to me, because I found myself yearning for splashes of colour, moving imagery, challenging concepts and undefinable ideas. The next thing I knew I had started an art blog aptly titled: Artistic Expansion and I began spending hours a day searching through the internet for content, often finding my best pieces in the most random places, often not even defined intentionally as ‘art’.

Over the last two years I must have blogged hundreds of multi-coloured, multi-textured and multi-layered images, accumulated over 2000 followers and consumed more art than I ever had in my entire life. I find it interesting not because of it’s success, but because before I started my art blog, I really had no idea how much I did or could love art and once I had made my art blog I  couldn’t imagine how I ever functioned without it.

I guess a lot of things do hide in our subconscious, until they find a way to get to the surface or maybe that’s just my psychology degree talking.

Catch you later, Louise Alice Wilson

What Is Blog?

With all this talk of starting a course blog, i’m beginning to ask myself a few questions: “How much do I actually know about blogging?”, “How many blogs do I actually read?”, “Whats the best way to blog?” and the answer to all these questions is:

  1. A little

Blogs are regularly updated web pages, that are written in an informal way, often relating to a specific topic area, such as politics, art or fashion. They often focus on current, new or up-to-the-minute information as people regularly check blogs for new interesting information and inspiration.

2. A few

Tumblr – A lot of various tumblr blogs.

We And The Color – http://weandthecolor.com/

Bitch Media – https://bitchmedia.org

īGNANT – http://www.ignant.de

The Fox is Black – http://thefoxisblack.com

Empty Kingdom – http://www.emptykingdom.com

Oyster – http://www.oystermag.com

Synaptic Stimuli – http://synapticstimuli.com

The Jealous Curator – http://www.thejealouscurator.com/blog/

Nowness – https://www.nowness.com

3. I’m not exactly sure

A lot of the blogs I visit are art blogs, that focus highly on visual imagery or videos and have very little text, or the text is often purely explaining or giving a bio of the piece. My own art blog is much the same, so text in the blogging game is a new medium for me. However, after reading through a few text heavy blogs, it seems that they all have things in common, they are all:

  • Attention grabbing & retaining
  • Entertaining
  • Written colloquially
  • Focus on new, relevant topics
  • Have interesting visually imagery
  • Simple in writing style
  • Speak directly to the reader
  • Have valuable original content
  • Often written from the writers POV
  • Often reference the writers personal life & personal opinions
  • Often tell a story/flow and summarise at the end
  • Overall try to make the reader happy, engaged & more informed

Hopefully by the end of this first semester I will have mastered the art of blogging, but I think for now focussing on these dot points should keep me in good stead.

Catch you later, Louise Alice Wilson

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