Essay writing. Not really my forte. Nerves. Deadlines. Pressure. Not knowing what stuff is important enough. Not knowing how much context I need to give to the reader regarding definitions and assumed knowledge. Not having done english in year 12, so no real structure. I feel like my arguments flow in the same way they formulate in my mind – for better or worse. My tone is a bit more conversational too.
What I did find helpful was the pomodoro sessions. I usually take a long time to kick off writing the bulk of the essay. I tried to not backspace anything during this session, and just let my ideas spill out, and try curate from then. This way, I built my essay in the reverse of how I normally do (normally gathering quotes first, but now I let my own ideas do the talking and have the quotes as a support.) The quotes speak to me instead of vice versa.
Overall, I’m pretty happy with what I have submitted. In a way I feel like it has given me more questions and curiosities about OOO than solutions. It has made me more inclined to investigate the practice a bit more. All in all though, I learnt a lot from the essay and reflecting on the process of creating the soundscape.