Ecologies of Noticing Week 7 – Mid way reflection

Half way through the term – figured I should reflect back on the first week where we charted what we wanted to get out of the class, what we’d learn and how.
5 key things for learning:
Critique work – Yes. been trying to blog about my work, and include stuff about that in essay submissions as well.
Discuss ideas – Yes. been trying to talk more in class and facilitate discussion in class and group work.
Consolidate knowledge – Yes, but can improve. Prepare my ideas more concisely in the blogs.
Take notes – sort of. I’m not really taking as many notes anymore, but i’m still learning as much as I did while I was taking them. Not sure what to make of this. Maybe reevaluate this goal? Does it matter much to me now?
Attend class – I’ve missed 2 Tuesday classes now. 1 because I was lazy and 1 because I missed the train. Cold weather is making it harder to get up at 5:30am. I just need to stick it out.

Learning curve:
We graphed how much we thought we would learn over the course of 12 weeks.
Mine was like a f(x) = (‑(2*​x))+​0.5*​x^​2-​6, [0,12] or something like that. A curve that went down – a period of confusion and misunderstanding, which then begins to rise around week 4 and then continue upwards till week 12. I think I predicted my learning habits pretty accurate there.

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