Ecologies of Noticing Week 2 – Links

This class exercise took one connection we had. Mine was borrowing a car from my brother. We then went down the rabbit hole of linkages to explore that things are deeper and infinitely complex. It proved that we do not have control over our actions. We share agency. We are a small link in the chain of things. We are not the centre of things or decisions.
This was then related to story. The point that I took is that story can only account for a small part of the true reality and complexity of it all. Story only accounts for people (and not all the little linkages)

What other ways can we make stuff about the world that isn’t a story? How can we explore these links, and not just the surface connection?
The Rushkoff reading began to dissect this in the Narrative disruption chapter, pointing to immersive RPG video games as a possible solution. In a sense, anything with more interactivity, and less linear models of story telling would tell a more cohesive story of the now. Fleshing out and expanding. Games are now spending less time on the story and more or the immersive factor.

So far, it is hard to put into words what I am learning. I know that I am learning, and I feel I have an understanding of it all, but I am still limited linguistically with how to describe it all. (unfamiliar with terms and their use) But I get the direction we are heading in – to explore ways to ‘document’ in a multi-linear way. To tell things more holistically in a non-anthroprocentric way. Or are we heading in one? Is this class teleological? Who knows. 


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