I received many feedbacks after the pitch. Though my pitch is a simple one and my work is not as splendid as others, I still feel satisfied with it. From instructors’ side I also got feedbacks and suggestions concerning the final. As for final, I decide to make a video themed with blind spot, which echoes a sense of similarity with my third experiment. Therefore, instructors give me advice according to this experiment: real-time sound instead of background music should be adopted in video-making for final. Sound, rather than mere pictures, ought to be used to express blind spot. For instance, if the picture is set in a garden, the sound can come from the blind spot. It could be from an area out of sight, like a river, the wind or a bird. The sound can be recorded from all sides in a particular location. It can be combined together so that a surround sound is created. What you see is the first angle of view in reality, while what you hear is from the blind spot (in combination with experiment 2 and 3), and whereby a video with more imaginable space is produced. I am very grateful for the three instructors who gave me feedbacks, as they helped me generate many new ideas and look forward to the next assignment. I hope that my enthusiasm is extended to my next work so as to make it more intriguing.

Advice from the instructors is extraordinary, as they provided me with ideas I didn’t think of at all. At the same time, it is going to harder for me as well. It is not difficult to capture sounds, but I haven’t tried to combine them in a reasonable way before. Therefore, I will need more time and make more preparations for practical experiment. In the recording part especially, I will apply professional recorder to ensure audio quality based on experience from the second experiment so that better results can be achieved in the latter part.

According to task three, I will pay more attention in task 4 and make my media conscientiously.