What made you stop to record the moments of noticing you did?

  • My subject is disappearing. Like the rainbow video i take. The rainbow is because the  light is refracted on the glass automatic door,  the light disappear also make the rainbow disappear.
  • No changing. Like the sky video i take, there are not many movement in the video which make me stop the record.

How did the way you collect relate to your initial research prompt?

After read artist and discussed  in class, i think the best way to learn how to “Noticing” is start from you daily life. So you can see my record is happened in the Train station, in a car, in the floor level of my apartment even just walking in the street. I not noticing thing in every second, but i will watch what is around me and think about is the one i want to collect or not when i was walking alone or just standing somewhere waiting some thing.

What did you discover/learn about making media through noticing?

I learn a new way to understand the world, or i can say is like open the door of a new world. It is so interesting that noticing thing and collect some of them by your own idea and own way.

What question(s) arise for you out of this making?

Still not understand Noticing fully, which make me loose many chance to record more things. My current idea is still narrow. When I walk on the road, I will still ignore a lot of content. I need to try to spend more time in the observation, to develop a certain habit, which will have a lot of help for my next job .