The new project started, and both Sherry and I were more stressed by comparison. Compared to other groups, our process is slow, and we can say that we are the slowest group in the process now.We made the pitch last week, our customer, Cici, had been busy with her homework, so she never had time for a good interview until now,so we didn’t have much to do with pitch at that time. So we’re just showing some fashion videos we like and what style of video we might want to do. The pitch made me realize that my preparations were not serious enough. Although we haven’t meet Cici, but this is our own homework after all, maybe we are too dependent on the idea “listen to the client”, so lead to us didn’t do any plan because we don’t meet Cici. This makes me think about I can’t just rely on one idea when I’m doing project. No client is not the reason we don’t prepare for our work. And one of the things that made me really impressed, was one of the teachers who was there said  it is better to be able to show a work by ourselves that is better than to broadcast another’s work when making a pitch. If someone else’s work is simply Google and everyone can get it, then this pitch is meaningless. So even if it’s just an idea, try it yourself and try to edit it to achieve the desired effect. For example, I saw a photo on Instagram in the past two days, I very want to try before we start our filming officially, if I can use clips to achieve similar to this photo – the person and his reflection wears in different styles but do the same things, to express the different way of life. will have fun.

And this week, Cici and us have a face to face meeting finally, we talked a lot. First, the question of the model is identified, the friends of Cici or Cici will be our video main actor. Secondary, cici was very supportive of both indoor or outdoor filming, and suggested that Dandenong could be one of the exterior shots. There is a further understanding of Cici’s costume style, because this collection are sweaters, so we should be more focused on “Natural”, “Comfortable” and “Peaceful”.

Sherry and I talked to Christina and got feedback. First about the place of shooting, because Cici and we are living in the city or nearby, so Dendneong relative then away, plus there because the terrain is not very suitable for shooting. So we’re going to try to make a picture of what we wanted to be in Dendneong change to other places, based on Christina’s advice, in the garden, which is closer to us will be better.

The next thing we need to do is speed up our pace. First, story has to decided as soon as possible, because the weather in Melbourne change quickly, so we will consider to some plan is most  of filming can be done indoors, such as school loan studio, or rent a beautiful apartment for shooting area. Then, start shooting as soon as possible.

For now, it seems, time is plenty. But time passes faster than we think. We must go on!