Howard Gardner, 2007, ‘Minds Viewed Globally: A Personal Introduction’ in Five Minds For the Future, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, ch.1.
In Howard Gardner’s chapter ‘Five minds for the future’ he illuminates the five kinds of really necessary minds for people who want successfully work in society. Those five minds are the Disciplined Mind, the Synthesising Mind, the Creating Mind, the Respectful Mind and the Ethical Mind.
For the people who have disciplined Mind, is able to master the skills steadily, and solve the problem empirically. If the people do not have at least one, they are easily turned to be followers; they might be restricted in some tasks. The Synthesising Mind requires people be capable for grouping, analyzing and evaluating information from different sources. I think this mind is really useful, it enables us effectively and accurately to complete tasks in future. For the people who want to work in media, film or other artistic industry, undoubtedly, the creating Mind is inevitable and significant for them to have. Always thinking in a fresh way, putting new idea, being innovative.
And the last two, actually, I think respectful and Ethical Mind seem like really basic things for every people, no matter what the job we are doing, what ages we are. However, it is disappointed because there are few people, they might excel in one mind of the first three, but they do not have the last two minds. As result, although they are successful in their career, but they will never respected by others. So I deeply hope I can firstly have the respectful mind and the ethical mind, depending on theses two, keep working hard and endeavor to develop other minds.