My Method #6

Method #6

I already talked some aspects of two people’s dialogue scene. However, there are many scenes have more than two people. I am so struggle with the camera and character position in the dialogue scene of many actors. So I did some research about it from books and our exercises.

Basically, if the dialogue scene have three actors, we may have three simply ways to put the camera.

Three basic liner composition:

  1. Straight liner

It means three actors stand on one straight line, in this time I will ensure the camera close to the line, through one people’s shoulder or head (it depends which size shot we used) viewers can see other actor’s face. It may seems like this:



  1. The “L” shape

Some time we can make the space be more dimensional, the three actors do not need set in one plane, and they may stand in different planes. Such as this one:


The camera put on this position able to record their interaction in a wide and dimentional space.

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