My method#5

My method#5

In dialogue scene, the role of 180 axis of action is so important. This rule mainly talks about the positions of camera and two characters in a conversation. For example, if something on the left side of the screen should stay on the left side of the screen, even if the camera moves. It’s particularly important to maintain this relationship when shooting characters interacting.

We can see it through a picture of this principle.

屏幕快照 2015-04-19 上午1.02.43

This rule requires the position of camera should be putted in any area of the semi-circles that 180 degrees on that side of the axis of action.

However, I still think it is not a strict thing we must follow. For example, in the exercise of Train, we had tried broken the 180 axis of action. It is give an audience a new perspective, it is actually open the space. In my own project, I won’t refuse to break the rule of 180 axis of action. Undoubtedly, I also will depend on the concrete situation.

屏幕快照 2015-04-19 上午1.35.48

屏幕快照 2015-04-19 上午1.36.03


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