Wednesday class Robin and Paul both have shown how to do our proposal presentation in week 7. They both gave us really good examples. Also, honestly, their examples help us get out of the mess. I finally know what I will talk in next week.
Moreover, we watched the edited shot of last week exercise. I thought I pay more attention in the rhyme of this edit compare with the last one. However, I should be honest, I am not really like some usage of angel which used in this scene. I really like the last edit scene of other group. I think the change between different shots are aim to show the clue and the development of the plot in larger context. We should consider why we change it in this way (such as the angel, perspective). And the last edited cene of other group did it pretty good. So, in next time, whatever group exercise or individual exercise, I need to consider the necessity and reason before I design the different shots.