Week 10 epiphany

Week 10 epiphany

In this week, we firstly did one similar exercise which is pulling focus. We mainly used three different cameras to practice this technique, which are SONY EX3, SONY Z7 and DSLR. Those three camera respectively have different focal length, 20mm, 25mm, 80mm. Our group used Z7 in class, however, we found Z7 is really hard to pull focus, the data is keep changing. Undoubtedly, in my perspective, EX3 is the most convenient and comprehensive one in it. We are able to clearly adjust the focal length depending one the mark of every position.

In addition, we watched lots of clips about the usage of voice-over. There are many people will use voice-over in their project including me, so this is a good opportunity for us to study. One-person voice-over must be a common way to create concrete meaning of some abstract scenes in our film. Also, it is a good way to show or imitate the subjective world of subjects. For my project, the one-person is extremely important, because, my project is a narration of the protagonist, it represents what he seeing and what he feeling. So actually his voice-over relates the three different pats, making them be logical. I hope I can do a good and suitable voice-over.


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