Week 11 the usage of PR

Week 11 the usage of PR


In this week class, Paul clearly taught us how to use Premier, such as some useful basic skills, cutting, trimming and so on. Through a series of exercises we are already really familiar with those basic skills. In addition, Paul introduced the color correction to us. Color correction is quit necessary to use in our project, because it is a key element to enhance the cinematic effect. Personally, I am interested in this part, so I keep learning different skills about color correction in this semester.

Three Way Color Correction is so good to use in our editing process. We may respectively correct the color in highlight, midtown and shadow areas. When we choose Tonal Range in Output, we may clearly distinguish which parts is belong to which area, then we can moving around each color wheel to change it. It is more powerful tool for dealing with different problems, also it is more accurate than fast color correction.

                                                    屏幕快照 2015-10-22 上午2.26.32


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