My method #11, week 10 filming plan

The dialogue scenes, which I already shoot are daily normal conversation. However, in some film, there are some dialogue scenes are mysterious, suspenseful or exciting. Those scenes mainly develop the plot and perfectly construct the whole film. In those scenes, director use special perspective to show some clues. Also the positions of camera are quite interesting. So, I want to shoot this type of dialogue scene, using a different way to show and imply the intense relationship, and potential information between characters. I pick up one dialogue scene from Infernal Affairs 3. I am so sorry I haven’t found a version with English subtitle. Actually, this dialogue scene shows the illusion of one character. This character is an undercover in police office, however he extremely want be a good person, so he image he is the good person who always defend Justice. As we can see that the director uses special perspective to imply this truth. The design of shots also can show the intense relationship between those three characters. I get an inspiration from this scene, but I changed the concrete Lines.




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