Well, this is a busy week, we had done two main things, Weekend scene and presentation. I will start talking about the scene I made in last weekend. Actually, I designed a backstory of Tony’s office scene, which help me to design the shots be more reasonable and emotional.
In my script, Giselle is a best assistant for Tony. She have been accompanying with Tony in many years. In general, Tony is used to accompany of her. In their relationship, Giselle have favorable expression of Tony. However, because the employer and employee relationship, Giselle afraid to say her real feeling to Tony. Also, Tony cannot understand his real feeling to Giselle. He thought the reason why he feels good about Giselle might just because she is a good assistant. However, he is wrong. Giselle has born intense moral suffering for many days. Finally, Giselle decide to say a lie to see what the reaction Tony will have. So she say she will getting married with a man who has courted her in many days. So, in this scene, Giselle come to Tong’s office, she goanna tell Tony one big lie which is her marriage. In fact, I think she still have a little expect. She want know what is the real feeling of Tony. And for Tony, I think when he heard this news, he feel terrible and depressed, but he still pretend strong in few moment. In order to show this feeling of him, I use a close up for his writing gesture. Furthermore, in the end of the scene, when Giselle ask Tony will him still want her, I think it is seems like a new start of their relationship. As a result, I changed the ending shot to a shot, which they smiled to each other.
I got numerous inspirations from this individual experience. The most important one is never forget daily check what you shot, and roughly edit the footages too! It is a really necessary thing. Because I shot the scene at Saturday, however, when I came back to check it I found part of the shots are not really good, so I reshot it at Sunday. Another thing is when we framing our shot, we need notice the continuity between the different shots, even you may edit in other way. I should improve it in my future project. This scene I made in a different way, I have not show the walking process of those actors, while, I utilize the pause of one shot to instead of it. So we just can see Tony directly break in the frame. I think this is more interesting, also show their relationship so tight.
For our presentation, I think everyone did a good job. For myself, I talked about some basic elements about dialogue scene, and which way I may interest in. However, I don’t have a clear plan about my next project, such as the script, location and so on. So I think the most urgent thing is finding my script as soon as possible! Also, never stop thinking.