The Residue

Length: 04:56

The memories and meanings contain behind the architecture’s aspects.


To explore the deep meanings, what does the very little details of building 16 represent in relation to it’s past. Through out a short documentary , focusing on the architecture aspects of Storey Hall, hidden ideas are revealed through research and investigation.

The process was not very complicated, which I planned out 2 main parts : Filming and Plotting.

The filming process was fairly simply because I only needed to focus on the 2 aspects of colours and shapes of the building. Filmed almost every single details of the 2 aspects , both in close ups and wide angle shots,  Im quite happy with the video visually.

Plotting / Directing at first was straight forward, but due to a technical problem, I had to make a change in presenting the documentary, not through a set of videos with narration but with music and subtitles. The method turned out not as effective as the first plan, but the video still delivered the message and the plot successfully in my opinion. Drafting the narration was also a challenging process, as after spending too much time on researching, the script was overload and came offtrack . Re writing and shorten the plot was the right thing to do and I managed to do that in time.Overall , the project was time consuming and I needed to schedule my time better, splitting the works fairly and not rushed any process. Also to carefully check everything afterwards. The audio recorded were corrupted due to using different software and fail in converting and encoding the files.

This individual piece reflects exactly my effort , and If I could improve it I would have tried to actually spend and focus more of my time on it, and maybe trying a more creative approach to my idea.

Ghosts of Building 20: Virtual Tour

Title: Ghosts of Building 20 & 16

Type: Virtual Tour

Length: Depends on individual use, it’s a non-linear self-guided virtual tour

Jake Baldwin, George Downing, Linh Luu, Jackie Matthews, David Spencer, Marcus Pedrigal, Cassie Chiong and Steph Wu

The Ghosts of Building 20: Virtual Tour is a platform for the Ghosts of RMIT‘s students to showcase their individual work for the semester.

My role in this project was to setup the website that will present our works through out the year. We first planned out the contents and the categories for the home page, then also talked about ideas of the Logo

.I also helped out with taking photos for the VT in building 20 , with Cassie and Stephanie and also later on, merge the photos together in the final form. It took a lot of time to merge the panoramas together, and some of the stock photos weren’t good enough so we are taking the photos again next week.

In terms of peer collaboration, the team worked really well. Communicating and working with Cassie and Steph on Sunday was efficient and we got the work done easily and had no trouble completing it. Later on, thanks to David & Step for helping out with merging the panoramas, Jake now has all the photos needed for the platform and it’s looking great. We still have to work on it but Im happy with the outcome.

Through out the assessment tasks, I learned how expansive media can be, how mapping is important and the new technology nowadays that I never heard of before – The cardboard, the 360 view were really interesting. The idea of people in class choosing different approach to the buildings is amazing as well, as I got to see and witness different experiences in approaching in media.

Sunday at Building 20

So I went to help out the building 20 people with the virtual tour and other equipment issues , and It was a productive day.
Our team of 3 –  Cassie and Stephanie  managed to take the wide and panorama shots for the VT in 3 hours.
We used a 5D Mark 2 camera with a 18-75 lens, which is wide enough for our shots, and a tripod.
note : In order to take panoramas manually, using a tripod is crucial so that when merging the photos together, it’ll always fit . If not, the panorama will be stretched and unbalanced.

I also helped out with setting up the dolly, exporting data and carrying equipment on that day. It was a productive day.