Reflection – Media 4 10/10/2016

We are well and truly into the final stretch of our current Assignment. At this point in time I am nose deep into the post-production side of my piece, with an estimated 4-5 hours remaining before having a final product (give or take). The aim at this point in time is substituting current videos with HQ version of the same footage, this may not always be achievable but my aim is to make the quality visually to be consistent. I am also interested in replacing the background music with Guitar instead of Piano but this is only a cosmetic change and not a pressing matter at this point in time.

Media 4 – Reflection 5/10/2016

This past week has been engrained in cultivating my piece into a form that I will retrospectively be proud of in a weeks time when submitting the assignment. I believe that at this point I have a strong library of assets and as far as the vision for the project at this point in time, I feel like I very much know where I am going and even though the pressure is clearly on given the small time constraints for the project at this point in time I feel calmly optimistic I can achieve what it is I have set out to do within the next week. The next few days specifically will be a test of this, having the next 3 days dedicated to recording all my audio and then moving into premiere to beginning working on a properly realized rendition of the piece.



Media 4 – Progress for Assessment 4/5 thusfar.

Work on Assessment Item 4 has began to speed up as the due date has drawn closer, with 10 days left before the final submission date it has become increasingly present that the earlier a fully development piece can be produced, the more time can be spent on refining and strengthening the piece. At this point in time a draft piece has been developed and presented to Robin which outlined to myself some areas that could be focused on more, specifically what time of imagery i can use to evoke emotion, specifically exploring how pictures could be used rather than just found footage for the piece as they sometimes can have more of a powerful effect. Yesterday and Today have been dedicated to creating a more fleshed out version to present with the intent of spending the next three days after on collating the audio required for the piece (Recordings of the Australian National Anthem as spoken by people I personally will seek out and record with).

Some dot points of progress as of today:

– Half way through a “second draft”, that is closer to what the end piece will be.
– All contacts have been organised for audio recordings and will commence as of Thursday.
– Some images have been found that I personally like and intend on putting in the piece but still dedicating some time each day to read through newspapers, look on internet and research into events/images/videos I could use.