The editing and finalizing process for the Media 4 Assignment (originally due 14th now being extended to Monday the 17th) is finally at a stage I feel happy with. I will utilize these extra days to make small bits of refining just to improve the video quality and overall visual appeal of the assignment however at this point in time I am definitely in a good place regarding all my work. The key from now on will be to write my final reflection in which I intend on putting heavy emphasis on the evolution of the project as I think from a reflective standpoint that was the thing that stood out the most out of what happened during this assignment. Retrospectively I think choosing Premiere as my Video Editing software was a good choice as it allowed me to achieve some effects and editing abilities I may not have been able to with other programs such as Sony Vegas or Final Cut (in which i have some experience in). Today and Yesterday has been spent on improving the rhythmic feel of the piece more than anything so nothing feels too out of place and transitions between clips/audio/etc. is seamless and not jarring to the viewer.
As can be seen in this screenshot towards the fourth quarter of the piece, some of the clips cut very quickly and it was a long process syncing them to the audio to make them “travel” with the words metaphorically. To contextualize what I mean by this, I aimed to have each word/sentence have a clip and with the end specifically when all 4 voices are speaking simultaneously I had to assign a clip to each word which became difficult as voices did overlap, meaning I had to mute all layers except the specific one I was working on, it was an arduous process but worth it in the grand scheme of things.