It’s a small world after all


After going through the video recommended by Elliot and also the readings for week 4, to just simply put it – the term six degrees of separation is not something new to me. But i never knew that based on this theory that we were all only separated by 6 people came out further studies on networking and how the brain is synchronised.



But is the world really getting smaller? Is six degrees of separation possible without the aid and advancement of technology?  In fact, many people are being connected straight away because of the internet, the advancements of phones or walkie talkies, any mode of communication which does not require us to travel.


So basically the six degrees of separation has been cut short. In the video, there was an experiment done where people from all over the world are given a parcel to be sent to a professor in harvard, someone they do not even know. So they send the parcel from one to another until it reaches the professor at the end.



Look, If I was given the parcel at this point of time, I’d probably just search for his name and contact details online and send the parcel directly to him. I guess the point of the experiement was to show that we are all literally six people away from each other. But that was not what I saw in the video.



When you claim that we are six people away from each other, shouldn’t the fifth in line know the professor personally? Or is he just the sixth guy who so happens to live in the same city as him? It’s no long about the six degrees of separation but rather the networks that go behind it.



They always say, that networking and socialising is very important, it aids businesses, boosts economies indirectly and even improve bilateral ties between countries.  And i believe the very fact that we are able to connect and be able to network is because technology is bringing the world together. It is the reason why the world is getting smaller.


I love how the whole theory of networking eventually led up to a certain understanding of network with proteins in our cells and maybe one day an evolution. These two are completely different case studies working together. It is amazing to see the concept of networking behind the lines. Whether it is through technology, protein cells or even human social networking. It brings all of us together somehow one way or another.


What can I say? It’s a small world after all.



Writing about Thought Catalog is extremely hard for me because every time I go to check something on the site I end up reading content for the next hour, or until someone jostles me with a text message. But I will do it, because it’s elegant marketing strategy is intriguing and deserves medal.


If you must know, is “a place for relevant and relatable non-fiction and thoughts” according to their own ‘about’ section. The premise is that the contributing writers to Thought Catalog are diverse and self-selecting. It’s writers range from students to established writers, and the written pieces are unlike anything you’ll find in mainstream media.


Thought Catalog is very popular among a mostly young adult age group. The content is relevant to twenty somethings because it is commentary on the underside of indie or hipster culture, and often focuses on twists and qualms relevant to young adults in transition. This is substantiated by the search referrals and hypertexts to the site, which mostly consist of topics like “how do I know I’m crushing on the right person” and “things that drunk people say”. It is most definitely fun, edgy, and as the Huffington Post puts it “illuminating.”



It is a venue for anyone to explore their creativity and writing and also to gain insight into the life of other people. It is through thought catalog that many are inspired and will soon write their own stories to inspire other. It is technically  a form of blogging, except that the blog isn’t yours. Many people pour out stories, dreams, aspirations and advises. That is what makes Though Catalog so beautiful, the fact that so many people are able to talk about anything and everything without boundaries.



Thought catalog helps us to see our lives through the lives of other, and also to help us realise that we are not going through life alone. These are nothing that you can ever get from a magazine or a book. It is a form of expression, the voices of millions of young people around the world. What is Social Media? What are facebook statuses and tweets when there are soulful and inspiring posts up on thought catalog.


Blogging may be something that has already started years ago, but with the decline of social media in recent years, we are able to see where the next trend is heading towards. Give it a shot, Just hop onto the thought catalog site and trust me, you’ll find yourself going posts after posts reading up on and feeling inspired about whimsical tales and the realities of life. All in one simple yet beautiful site and maybe one day you’ll soon write in and inspire others as well.


Geert who?


Today we got into our groups and got started on our NIKI pages. I was obviously crossing my fingers and hoping Elliot would be kind on me but he threw us a topic no one know, understood and could fathom. Our topic was to write up a interview on some dutch profession who had a passion for media activism and wrote a book on networks. or at least that was what I got out from a 5 minutes read off his wikipedia page.


As a group we started gathering more concise information and deets on this guy and with 4 brains combined we managed to understand that Geert, formally adressed as Professor Geert Lovink is a research professor in Interactive media . He is also the founding director of the Institute of Network Cultures, whose goals are to explore, document and feed the potential for socio-economical change of the new media field through events, publications and open dialogue.


Well yada yada so on and so forth. But what I would like to talk about is his latest book titled “Networks without a cause” where he explores the social impact of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, LinkedIn, Google, and so on. What I find interesting is that book takes the specific question of what the social is in social media as its starting point, providing a sociological understanding of the dominant role that centralized media platforms play – that is how they rule the Internet from the inside, and hence a good part of our daily lives. His insight revolves around the statement that “Once the Internet changed the world; now the world is changing the Internet.”



Completely unaware, users of social networks have fallen into a trap laid by the politics of terror. Social networks are chains of complete strangers, who are not permitted to voice any true debate on any topic whatsoever. All that’s allowed is a simple ‘Like,’ watering down any chance for critical exchange, doing even more than television to flatten out people’s lives, and offering no tool that could have any real impact on everyday life, let alone political life.


Lovink stresses the point that social networks are socially useless as they lack a common cause. He looks at the total waste of time of using what he calls news industry tools — media that enable real-time updates of no specific value, such as Twitter, which has created a constant flow of journalistic headlines without any depth of analysis or investigation, and which we no longer pay any attention to as we have become so blasé to it all.


Word after word, I couldn’t help nodding my head in agreement as I kept on reading. It was the sudden realisation that the once raved season of social media, is now slowly dying off. It made the world smaller and I guess more connected but It made us lazy, less intellectual and everything that old media taught us to do. Old media brings us back to basic and teaches us to go the long horrendous path and not liking a comment but not having anything to say about it.


Because we have all been so engulfed in this wave of social media, we grew dependent and forget about writing critical comments, giving honest opinions on things and most importantly opinions that are valued and not just something we write and  within the span of 100 words and try to squeeze them together with short lingos just to get messages across. I’m sure we’ve all benefitted from the use of social media however we have to agree that It’s not what it used to be anymore.


We are looking for clearer, better more efficient ways to get the world connected, and get messages acrossed. We, the users of the internet are changing it slowly, we are shaping it to what we want and need. Now that social media is dying, I am excited for what the future brings and new upcoming technology that will further change and enhance our lives like the google glass. We are always changing and so will technology.


What’s a blog?

Blogs appear on the news pretty often these days. For example, a reporter is tipped to a story by a blog, or a blog reports another angle on a story. Blogs show up in magazines a lot, too. What are blogs? There are now millions of them — where did they all come from?

One of the things that is so amazing about blogs is their simplicity.

Think about a “normal Web site.” It usually has a home page, with links to lots of sub-pages that have more detail. Most traditional Web sites follow this format. If the site is small, it is sort of like an online brochure. If it is large, it is like an electronic encyclopedia.

A typical Web site has a home page that links to sub-pages within the site. is typical of this genre. The CNN site contains thousands of articles all organized into big categories. The categories and all the latest stories are accessed from the home page.

A blog is much much simpler:

  • A blog is normally a single page of entries. There may be archives of older entries, but the “main page” of a blog is all anyone really cares about.
  • A blog is organized in reverse-chronological order, from most recent entry to least recent.
  • A blog is normally public — the whole world can see it.
  • The entries in a blog usually come from a single author.
  • The entries in a blog are usually stream-of-consciousness. There is no particular order to them. For example, if I see a good link, I can throw it in my blog. The tools that most bloggers use make it incredibly easy to add entries to a blog any time they feel like it.

In this article, you will have a chance to enter the world of blogging. You will even learn how to create your own blog and publish it to the world.

I was paid to blog

Prior to this course, I’ve started blogging since I was 16 but have stopped for a couple of years now. The blog started off as a personal journal, going through my daily rants and thoughts. However, somehow viewership started to increase and I was asked to be part of a company that recuits bloggers with a certain amount of viewership. Advertisments are then being placed into our blogs through a simple copy and paste method of certain html codes. We are then paid either by advertorials, through blog posts or pay per click advertisments that are being displayed on our blogs. It was good at the start, seeing money roll in. However, I had to juggle many advertorial posts and my daily life, something I soon found hard to do with exams nearing in. I soon started procrastinating on my blogposts and updates on my blog got lesser in time. So did my viewership. It took up too much time and effort despite the money. I also realised that my posts were no longer personal. But filled with advertorials and posts that my readers wanted to read. But it was an experience and the networking I made during this couple of years was incredible. I’ve met so many different people of different backgrounds. Many from different professions blogged for passion, for fun as a side project but it is through their blogs that you get to see a different side to them. It was an incredible experience, and something that everyone should experience. Now all that’s left is a memory of my blog and all memories of its glory at Http://

Networking mess

Blogging is not something new to the online community, in fact it’s been around since forever. We’re the creators of the content we input, we control what we write and the comments written by others online. We filter what we dislike and keep what we do. Most people use blogging as a journal, a form of expression or an online persona. We link our blogs to people of similar interests and get to know them. It is a different way of networking and meeting people from all over the world, some of which we may even be able to leverage on. Though not many use blogging for networking, but it is a good way of getting to know someone, their thoughts and we are able to exchange ideas through commenting and reading. It is definitely a must try method for networking and connecting.