Why hypertext?

It is believed that in general, humans learn better associatively. That is, we are better able to figure out material if we are allowed to move at our own pace, investigating that which interests us, and stimulating more senses through multimedia.


“All our steps in creating or absorbing material of the record proceed through one or the senses-the tactile when we touch keys, the oral when we speak or listen, the visual when we read. Is it not possible that some day the path may be established more directly?”


Also, I read that hypertext operates very similar to the way our brains do–in a series of networks, or associations-as opposed to a linear path. “Hypertext software provides for the human element in the management of information. Since hypertext analogizes the way our minds normally work- that is, not in a straight line but in several dimensions at once, hypertext can be considered a thought machine. Some have claimed that the hypertext idea is one of those crucial ideas in intellectual history, akin to the development of the printing press of the computer itself”


The ability for us humans to learn more, or at least learn more pleasurably through hypertext, has been demonstrated again and again through testing. In two separate studies, learning disabled, remedial and regular education students were separated into three groups: lecture, lecture/computer study guide, and computer study guide. Results indicated that while the two latter methods were as effective as lecture, posttest and retention test scores were higher for computer study guide group.


And finally, because the author is no longer in control over what path a reader will take, hypertext creates an environment for independent critical thinking. In a sense, the readers are also the “writers” of the material, by making connections themselves. And making those connections on their own, pulling together different bits of information and creating a whole new meaning, entails critical thinking.

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