on first impression, i enjoyed the film “rolling”. while it’s difficult to recall it in much detail as i only saw it once a number of weeks ago, i will try to analyse what i thought worked and didn’t. to me i enjoyed the middle of the film but not the start or the end as much. i am unsure of whether or not it was intentional but the lights changing and going greenish during the opening where the male character was walking down the aisle threw me off. i couldn’t tell if this was a directorial/creative choice or just a problem with lighting and white balance but i couldn’t work out why it would be an intentional choice because i couldn’t find a reason for it being there.
i also didn’t like the ending as much, i felt it left a bit too much hanging and i would have liked to have seen the story continued for at lest one more scene once the girl had entered his apartment. i understand that this was meant to be left to the audiences imagination but i feel like a well written reaction from the girl in regards to the toilet paper could have been funny and more enjoyable than being left wondering what she would say.
on the other hand, i thoroughly enjoyed the majority of the film, the entire middle section. i thought the actors were great and had been cast well and the dialogue was believable and funny. the comedic timing was done well although i thought the cuts between shots were a little slow sometimes. the locations were great, in particular the boy’s apartment because it was a small room which really emphasised how terrible the situation he had gotten himself into was because he was practically submerged in the toilet paper. on the whole i did enjoy the film.